Adding More Flavor to Your Life: The Benefits of Herbs


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Long ago when your parents told you to eat your leafy greens, they weren’t exaggerating. Vegetables are full of various nutrients that help the body live on— and it’s not always the yucky ones. Tasty greens such as herbs have their own perks worth consuming. Below are a few you should try!


Rosemary is one of those herbs with a strong scent. A good strong scent. This fragrance doesn’t just treat the nose with fragrant pleasure, but also with rosmarinic acid. This ingredient can help ease congestion and prevent allergies. But the aroma doesn’t stop there. When sniffed, one of its compounds, 1,8-cineole, may help the brain by improving memory. Additionally, rosemary also helps the brain, through one of its components, carnosic acid, by shielding brain cells from age-related issues.


Oregano is full of antioxidants. Because of this, there are several things it may help with. Easing inflammation and fighting infection are two of its common potential benefits. Diabetics though, may be happy to know that the antioxidants in oregano may help with blood sugar regulation as well as easing resistance to insulin.


There are different types of basil. For one variation, holy basil, research on its potential benefits have been fruitful. For one, holy basil has been found to reduce anxiety and depression. Likewise, it can also increase immune cells in the blood. This helps to boost the immune system.


While the minty flavor of sage is commonly used as a tea for relief from the woes of respiratory infections, studies have also found it to be good for something else: the brain. Sage apparently can help keep the brain alert and improve memory. Furthermore, it has helped increase brain function in those with Alzheimer’s.



Leech, J. (2017, June 03). 10 Delicious Herbs and Spices With Powerful Health Benefits. Healthline. Retrieved from:

Simon, N. (2022, June 15). 10 Fresh Herbs with Great Health Benefits. AARP. Retrieved from:

Pagan, C.N. (2019, January 03). Spices and Herbs That Can Help You Stay Healthy. WebMS. Retrieved from:

Todd, L. (2021, June 29). 10 of the healthiest herbs and spices and their health benefits. Medical News Today. Retrieved from:


Article by: Jonathan A. Watson

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