The Benefits of the Beach

(Estimated Reading Time: 1.5 Minutes)

When life has become overwhelming, nothing beats a day at the beach. There’s something soothing about warm sunshine, sand between the toes, the sound of ocean waves, and the scent of salt in the air. It’s as if it’s nature’s very own prescription for managing stress. In fact, this modern affair has been seen as early as the 18th century. The wealthy in Britain would go to the beach as a form of treatment, believing it to have several health benefits. Eventually, by the 19th century, this would be enjoyed by all classes.[1]

Blues for the Blues

While the ocean’s calming effect may seem anecdotal in nature, research has noted a link between this feeling and the environment. In a systematic review published in the International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health,[2] researchers found a positive association between one’s wellbeing, and exposure to ‘blue spaces’ (the ocean, lakes, rivers, etc.). Likewise in another study, researchers found that those living in close proximity to the beach had a tendency to feel healthier than those who do not.[3] The reasons for this vary: The sound of waves help calm the mind. Negative ions in the air help relieve one of negative feelings. And the blue color, well, takes away the blue feeling.[4] If that isn’t enough, the salty air may help with respiratory issues.[5]

Beach Benefits for All Seasons

When the stormy weather or cold season rolls in, sometimes the beach isn’t a place you’d want to be. Luckily, the ingenuity of humankind has given us clever inventions that sometime simulate beneficial climates. Salt therapy, though a simulation of classic salt caves, provide a similar atmosphere and set of benefits that are found at the beach. Here at EPIC, our salt clinic includes:

  • ·         Sound for relaxation.[6]

  • ·         Negative ions in the air to lighten your mood.[7]

  • ·         Color therapy to take away your blues.[8]

  • ·         Salt aerosol to ease your respiratory issues.[9]

Don’t wait to pack your bags or for the skies to clear! Book a salt therapy session with us and enjoy the benefits today.



1. Bangor Metro. (2019). The health benefits of ocean air may not just be an old wives’ tale. Bangor Metro. Retrieved from:

 2. Gascon, M., Zijlema, W., Vert, C., White, M.P., Nieuwenhuijsen, M.J. (2017). Outdoor blue spaces, human health and well-being: A systematic review of quantitative studies. Int J Hyg Environ Health, 220(8):1207-1221.

3. Hooyberg, A., Everaert, G., Grellier, J.,  Elliott, L., Lonneville, B., White, M., Michels, N., De Henauw, S., Roose, H., and Vandegehuchte, M. (2019). Ocean health in Belgium: Living near the coast is associated with better health. Environmental Epidemiology, 3: 162.

4. Gherini, A. (n.d.) How the Beach Benefits Your Brain, According to Science. INC. Retrieved from:

5. The Sydney morning Herald. (2005, November 29). Surfers Inspire Cystic Fibrosis Therapy. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved from:

6. EPIC Services. (2020, September 19). How Our Salt Room Can Ease Your Anxiety. EPIC Services. Retrieved from:

7. Lotz, S. (2015, August 28). Benefits of Salt Therapy. Retrieved from:

8. EPIC Services. (2020, October 10). What is Chromotherapy? EPIC Services. Retrieved from:

9. Grootendorst, D. C., and Rabe, K. F. (2004). Mechanisms of bronchial hyperreactivity in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society, 1(2), 77–87.

EPIC Services