Introducing The Tesla Star


(Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes)


Here at EPIC Services, We have possessed a transformative electrotherapeutic device Called “The Tesla Star” , it has many potential benefits that we would like to introduce to you! In the simplest terms we can.

The Tesla Star is a light frequency generator driven by a tuned Tesla Coil. It produces heat, light, and noise that harmlessly passes through human tissue. The device possesses qualities unlike any RF or EMF machine. It is capable of producing complex wave forms with accompanying harmonic fields of energy.

 The Tesla Star allows light therapy and could penetrate within the body in the following ways for pain relief and pain management.

  • Increasing circulation and oxygen flow, while releasing toxins.

  • Stimulating acupuncture points throughout the body,releasing any blockages that may hinder the healing process, thereby facilitating realignment.

  • Maintaining balance in the bio-magnetic field around the body; making it less likely to sustain illness.

To help drive the frequencies into the body, The Tesla Star utilizes 12 gasses that cover a full spectrum of light frequencies which is driven by the Tuned Tesla Coil.  Nitrogen, Argon, Helium, Oxygen, CO2, Xenon, Mercury, Krypton, and E-gas (Argon/Neon blend.)

I know this all sounds great, but you’re probably wondering “okay, but how does it work?”  Let me tell you.

The Tesla Star is placed 1 to 3 feet from the subject (Maximum range is approximately 6 ft). The subject may stand, lay down, or sit (preferably in a wooden chair) and then simply relax  while the machine is in operation. There is a series of recommended body positions to allow the frequencies to travel through your body in a more efficient and direct way.

Position 1 is a rested standing pose with your arms raised comfortably above your head, facing the Tesla Star. After 30 seconds turn to expose your right side, and then your left.


Position 2 you are facing away from the machine and bent over with straight knees, rear facing the machine.


Position 3 is a seated pose facing the Tesla Star. Legs apart, as wide as your hip. Arms down and forearms above your thighs, palms facing upwards as if you’re about to receive a large present. 


The recommended usage per day for the Tesla Star is a minimum of 2 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes, twice a day. With a detox time of 6 to 8 hours between sessions. It is extremely important to hydrate before and after each session. It is believed that control of the body chemistry is critical. It is important to implement a detoxification and basic nutritional program for your overall health. 

There are no known risks or side affects associated with the Tesla star. Those who are extremely sensitive may feel immediate effects being generated from the machine.

These people are the exception, not the rule. Best results are accomplished through multiple sessions.

If you have further questions or you’re interested in trying out the Tesla Star for yourself, give us a call or send us an email to book your appointment today!

The Tesla Star Photon Generator has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug association(FDA) and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Kimani Curtis