All About The Solar Plexus: Unleash Your Inner Power


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In the world of holistic well-being, the solar plexus chakra stands as a radiant center, influencing our personal power and self-confidence. Paired with the therapeutic body work of massage, this energy hub can be awakened, offering a gateway to enhanced physical, mental, and emotional vitality. Let's explore the solar plexus chakra and the benefits that massage can bring to this essential energy point.

Understanding the Solar Plexus Chakra:

Location and Essence:

  • Nestled in the upper abdomen, the solar plexus chakra, or Manipura, is often associated with the color yellow, symbolizing the warmth and energy akin to the sun. It serves as a core for personal empowerment, self-esteem, and the transformative ability to manifest one's desires. It is also known as navel chakra.

Energetic Harmony:

  • When the solar plexus chakra is in balance, a person experiences a sense of inner strength, confidence, and a harmonious connection with the external world. However, stress, negative emotions, and imbalances can dim this radiant energy and contribute to blocked manipura.

Blocked Manipura:

  • Blocked Manipura energy can manifest in our lives physically and mentally. Physically it can look like symptoms of constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, eating disorders, ulcers, diabetes, liver disease, disease of the colon, and even issues with the pancreas.

  • Emotionally, blocked Manipura energy can manifest as emotions of aggression, controlling behavior, being quick to anger, poor self esteem, a lack of direction, or a lack of courage.

Benefits of Solar Plexus Chakra Activation:

Increased Confidence and Self-Esteem:

  • Activating the solar plexus chakra can boost confidence and self-esteem, empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges with resilience.

Enhanced Digestive Health:

  • A balanced solar plexus chakra is associated with improved digestion and metabolism, fostering overall physical well-being.

Manifestation of Goals:

  • This chakra's energy is believed to aid in the manifestation of goals and desires, aligning individuals with their true purpose.

How to Activate your Solar Plexus Chakra:

There are a variety of methods to activate solar plexus chakra including, massage, aromatherapy, and yoga. In this blog, we focus on the power of body work in massage and how it can contribute to the activation of Manipura energy.

The Power of Massage on the Solar Plexus Chakra:

1. Relieving Tension and Stress:

  • Massage, renowned for its stress-relieving properties, can be particularly beneficial for the solar plexus chakra. As tension melts away, the energy flow in this region becomes unobstructed, promoting balance and vitality.

2. Enhancing Digestive Health:

  • The solar plexus chakra is closely linked to the digestive system. Massage techniques applied to the abdominal area can stimulate blood flow, relax muscles, and improve digestion, fostering overall well-being. Try massaging in a clockwise pattern around the belly button!

3. Promoting Emotional Release:

  • Massage has the power to release stored emotions and tension, helping individuals address unresolved issues that may be affecting the solar plexus chakra. As emotional blockages dissolve, the energy in this area can flow freely.

4. Encouraging Mind-Body Connection:

  • The holistic nature of massage encourages a deep mind-body connection. When combined with a focus on the solar plexus chakra, this can lead to a heightened sense of self-awareness and a more profound understanding of one's personal power.

5. Boosting Self-Confidence:

  • The relaxation and rejuvenation brought about by massage contribute to an improved sense of self. This boost in self-esteem aligns with the solar plexus chakra's attributes, fostering confidence and empowerment.

The solar plexus chakra, a source of inner radiance, invites us to explore the transformative benefits of massage. As interest in holistic well-being continues to rise, understanding and nurturing the solar plexus chakra through massage can be a transformative journey towards a more balanced and empowered life. So, consider incorporating massage and yoga into your holistic well-being routine, assisting you down the path of self discovery and personal growth.

Book a massage today to help activate your solar plexus chakra!


DeMatteo, Leslie. “Bodywork Techniques for Releasing the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras.” Massage Professionals Update, 22 Dec. 2020,

Editors, YJ. “Everything You Need to Know about the Solar Plexus (Navel) Chakra.” Yoga Journal, 4 Jan. 2023, Accessed 09 Nov. 2023.

Llorca, Carla. “Manipura Chakra - Florida International University.” ROOT, 2019,

SpiritGuide, Mind. “Solar Plexus Chakra Healing - How to Balance the Solar Plexus Chakra.” Mind Spirit Guide, 14 June 2021,,oils%20to%20enhance%20the%20massage.

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