All about the Sacral Chakra


The Second Chakra, called ‘Swadhisthana’ is also known as the Sacral Chakra. It is located just below the navel, in the center of your lower belly. In your back, it is located in the lumbar spine. This Chakra is associated with the Water element and represents sexuality, connections, and creativity; linked to your movement and relationships.

The Sacral Chakra awakens when there is a harmonious flow of feminine energy through the energetic body. It governs many of the body’s fluids, including the sex organs, the bladder, and the kidneys. 

Energy flowing through the Sacral Chakra will allow one to feel dynamic, stimulated, and confident. A balanced Sacral Chakra will support sensuality, creativity, and healthy emotions. 

Imbalance or blockage in your Sacral Chakra can lead you to feel anxious, lonely, and detached. You may experience problems with intimacy, lack of creativity, lower back pain, joint problems, and Anemia. 

If you’re feeling symptoms of an unbalanced Sacral Chakra, try Hibiscus! It is an astringent that helps nourish the waters of our body, our blood, kidneys, and urinary tract. Making it the perfect tea to help balance your Swadhisthana! You can also practice yoga asanas that specifically target your needs. Goddess and Reverse Warrior are just two poses that can help you tap into your Sacral Chakra. 

Massage can also stimulate energy flow to the Sacral Chakra through lower abdominal massage, and targeting the lower spinal vertebrae and back muscles. Myofascial massage techniques on the hip flexor muscles can improve the energy flow to the second chakra and release stagnation.

There are specific symptoms of an overactive Sacral Chakra. These include feeling consumed by emotions, engaging in inappropriate sexual behaviors, and intense emotional highs and lows.

An overactive Sacral chakra means that the energy center sends too much energy through the body and becomes flooded with overwhelming feelings. Practice some of the balancing exercises mentioned earlier to help harmonize your energy!

*The Chakras originated in India between 1500 and 500 BCE, Chakras are described as seven wheels of energy that move through your body, starting at the crown of your head and traveling down to the base of your spine. This system is used as a tool for understanding the different levels of the human being, and for developing awareness within ourselves.


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